Blunt Objects’ latest album, “Yeah, You Did​.​.​.” is a sonic adventure that showcases the band’s innovative and imaginative approach to music. With a unique blend of throwback elements and a fresh, modern feel, this album is a must-listen for fans of experimental and alternative sounds.

From the opening track, “I’m Not Gonna Do It Any More,” the listener is immediately drawn into the band’s world of captivating melodies and thought-provoking lyrics. The album continues to impress with tracks like “Terribly Blue” and “Chameleon Boy,” which demonstrate the band’s ability to create memorable hooks and engaging musical arrangements.

One of the standout tracks on the album is “All Hung Up,” which showcases the band’s versatility and willingness to push the boundaries of their sound. The song features a catchy chorus and an infectious groove that will have listeners tapping their feet and singing along in no time.

The album’s production is top-notch, with each track offering a polished and professional sound that highlights the band’s musical prowess. The vocals, led by Bill Owens, are a particular highlight, with his distinctive voice adding an extra layer of depth and emotion to each song.

“Yeah, You Did​.​.​.” is a testament to Blunt Objects’ creativity and dedication to their craft. The album is filled with peaks and valleys, taking the listener on a journey through the band’s unique sonic landscape. The band’s ability to own and wield their uniqueness as an asset is truly commendable, making this album a must-listen for fans of experimental and alternative music.

In conclusion, Blunt Objects’ “Yeah, You Did​.​.​.” is an adventurous and inspired album that showcases the band’s immense talent and creativity. With its engaging melodies, thought-provoking lyrics, and top-notch production, this album is sure to leave a lasting impression on listeners and solidify Blunt Objects’ place in the world of experimental and alternative music. Don’t miss out on this captivating and innovative musical experience.


  • Jenny Clancy

    Freelance Journalist, a cat lover who enjoys a good tune on in the background. Clancy Jenny
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