Kickstand Jenny, a band known for their catchy tunes, has just unveiled an album that delves into the profound themes of a soul’s demise and subsequent revival. Inspired by the pandemic-induced halt of live music, the band embarked on a musical journey that symbolizes resilience, akin to the mythical phoenix. Collaborating with renowned producer Chas Sandford in Nashville, Tennessee, they meticulously crafted Between The Lies.

The band starts with a song called “Love It Or Leave It” and is the definition of an opener that gets your attention. I would say this song has an arena rock like quality. All the elements are there including the huge sounding distorted guitars, soaring vocals and a larger than life sounding drum kit. I was on board and it’s an introduction you really can’t deny.

“Standing In The Doorway” is a bit of a ballad. It’s another huge sounding song but on this one there’s a good amount of reflection in the mood of the song. The song absolutely soars and I again felt this is the type of song that will sound amazing in a big environment like an arena.

“Solo (feat. Mark Slaughter)” was an anthem. I closed my eyes on the chorus and all I could think about was a huge audience waving their lights in the air. “Never Gonna Let You Go” is a sweet ballad while “Tonight” is an apt name. “Tonight” sounds like a song you would listen to before a night out. 

One of my personal favorites was “One More Day” which has a classic Americana flavor in the spirit of Tom Petty. I thought the dynamics were well done and I thoroughly enjoyed how the palm muted verse led to the explosive sounding chorus.

“Take Me Back To The Time” is a reflective song with a bit of a country vibe. Another high point was “Death Trap” which was a little darker in some ways but that lead guitar was on point. They do a good job with “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” and make it their own while the closer “Only Love Can Break Your Heart (feat. Jim Riley)” contains some wicked slide guitar.

Between The Lies felt nostalgic to me. There are rarely rock albums that sound this huge these days and Kickstand Jenny leans into it in a way that keeps the flame alive. 


  • Jenny Clancy

    Freelance Journalist, a cat lover who enjoys a good tune on in the background. Clancy Jenny
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