Angela Chambers is an Avant-Pop, American-born flautist, vocalist and performance artist based between the US and Berlin, Germany. Her talent for improvisation has helped her to adjust to many different situations as an artist. She thrives on chaos and making something out of nothing.

Hey, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What first got you into music?

What first got me into music? Well..I would have to say it was the first moments as a child at age 4, and I was introduced to my Dad’s Vinyl Collection. Any time my parents would put on a song, I would be sitting and bobbing my head to the music. In the baby videos, it looked like I was head- banging at an early age, because I would literally bob my head down to the floor, following the beat of the song. So I would say, Music has been in my blood from an early age.

What do you think your role is in this world?

I would consider my role these days to be a catalyst muse. Performers somehow tend to take on these roles, and I hope that my passion for music can inspire people and open their eyes to new perspectives, and To not be afraid of self-expression.

Your latest track is ‘Jumping The Gun’. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

I had met Casper Clausen in Berlin, and he invited me to his studio at the White Lake in Berlin. We had an instant musical chemistry, and “Jumping The Gun” was a sort of beautiful one take, with me on piano and Casper on guitar, and vocals that turned into a bitter-sweet melody.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

I would like to remind people to always believe in the power of their dreams. There are not enough dreamers in the world these days, and many things have become too political, systematic and toxic. Even if It might not always be what you thought it would be, you can be sure to be honest with yourself. I would like to focus on spreading peace and love in the music industry.

How do you spend your time?

I spend most of my time reading, writing, traveling, promoting my music, working as a VoiceOver artist/filmmaker and meeting friends and family.

What are you most proud of?

I feel quite proud of my improvisational skills. Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed and uncertain of a situation, I know I can rely on this to help me out. I use it as a tool, especially when I am on stage performing to connect deeper with the audience because it always helps me to stay in the moment.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

I would love to open a show for Future Islands, The Rolling Stones and/or Lady Gaga.

What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as an artist?

In order for me to continue to grow and develop myself as an artist, I am constantly working around the clock on promoting my music, collaborating with other artists/producers, and pushing myself out of my comfort zones. I feel that all of these are key in building a successful brand.

Do you think that technology is improving lives?

I believe that technology as a whole has positively contributed a great deal to where civilization is at today. However in recent years, I have started to see that social media has and can be psychologically damaging for many people, and I would not be opposed to a collapse of it all. Sometimes starting over is good, and I love the way that I feel after putting down my phone for a few days. So at the moment, I feel technology is damaging more lives than improving.

What are your plans for the future?

As for the future, if that is even possible to plan anymore?
I will be releasing some more singles this year under Angela Chambers, and I will finish writing
my solo album this winter.
I am releasing a 2nd album with my band Waking Dreams in the Winter, along with some singles in
the fall before the album coming out on Apollon Records.
I have another Berlin band project – Surrealia , which I have another album in the pipeline.
I plan on working on these releases plus hopefully playing more shows and touring etc.
Oh yea, I would like to write a book as well!


  • Jenny Clancy

    Freelance Journalist, a cat lover who enjoys a good tune on in the background. Clancy Jenny
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