German composer & producer Tom Aries and Canadian writer / singer Jordana Moon team up as MOON
AND ARIES. To bring warmth and assurance for a brighter future.

Hi! Can you introduce yourself and tell us how you formed as a band ? 

Hi thanks so much for taking the time to get to know us! We are Synth Pop Opera Duo, Moon and Aries. We formed as this musical duo after we discovered each other on Instagram. We were fans of each other’s solo work, and thought making a song together would be an amazing experience. That was two years ago. Now we have over twenty songs 

What do you think your role is in this World?

We fully believe we have a mission as musical artists. We convey high concepts in our songs, high vibrations and healing energies. We hope to elevate, activate and bring inner peace to all who listen. Our role is to be Moon and Aries, musical SuperHeros 

Tell us about Paradise 

Well I guess the strange thing about us writing the song Paradise and the whole concept Ep, was that it was during the dead of winter lol So Paradise was in our dreams. In our vision. And as we discussed the whole concept of the EP from the first song Take Me Home, we knew we wanted to have a song that encapsulated all of our dream sequences. All of the feelings and of let go of fear and allowing freedom to wrap you up in a cloud.

Msg to our fans 

We appreciate every single person who gives any single moment to our music. As artists, your main goal is to reach people. And we are so excited to perform live and have intimate moments with everyone who feels our music. 

What do you spend your time ?

I (Jordana ) spend a lot of my time preparing. Getting better vocally and just better at expressing myself through my lyrics as well. I am currently trying to get my podcast off its feet as well. I am a Mom, work part time as a vitamin pusher 

Tom has his own story, but he spend as much time in his studio and nature as possible, when he is at his day job. 

What are we the most proud of ?

We besides my Son, and Tom’s 2 kids, we are truly so proud of Moon and Aries music. Being able to collab and conspire at a distance, keep the momentum, keep growing within our craft, has been a huge accomplishment. There’s only moving forward. No turning back. 

If we could open for any artist, who would that be ? 

Tom and I have a fairly long list. But if we had to choose… at this very moment in our career and their’s… it’s a tie between London Grammer and Arcade Fire. 

What are we doing to make sure we grow and develop?

I feel the more you create, the better you get, naturally. But Tom and I make sure we are getting to the sounds and the songs that are deep within us. We explore concepts a lot deeper now, sometimes for months, before any music is built around it and inspired by it. So going into the song making processes, we have a very clear vision.  We also research and keep open minds and eyes to how things are evolving around us. We also make a lot of goals. Big and small. 

How has the internet impacted the music industry?

It completely changed the game. Spotify ushered in a new paradigm. Then you have the ability to market to the World at your fingertips. You need to strategize and stay current with the trends of what’s working and what’s not. All the while finding your own best way. But I believe every platform serves a purpose and it’s important to be visible on every app, however much you can be. And then, you know, find balance in Nature 

What are our plans for the future?

Make more music. Release more music. Continually. And we are looking into many other ways to be heard and visible. At the top of our list, is to play live as often as possible. Will be so brilliant for us to bring our music to life on stage and partake in a positive, high energy experience with the crowd. Thanks so much for allowing your readers and listeners to get to know us a bit better ! We appreciated this. 


  • Jenny Clancy

    Freelance Journalist, a cat lover who enjoys a good tune on in the background. Clancy Jenny
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