Hi! ‘Psychology’ is brilliant. For anyone who’s yet to hear it, how would you describe the track?

Hi , thanks so much, Im pleased you like the track .Psychology is an electro synth pop track with a dance groove with strong elements of retro house and trance. It’s a modern twist to 80s and 90s synth pop and dance music. Lyrically it is following on from the previous track The Fifth Step which is a sci fi dystopian concept around virtual reality.

Where did you record it?

Psychology was recorded in my home studio in the Northeast of England. I have a few hardware synthesizers in the studio but with Psychology and The Fifth Step I made my first foray into virtual software synthesizers linked directly into my DAW and recorded the vocals once the basic track was complete,  added some retro ear candy and mixed it.  However, the finishing touches on Psychology are from a Californian based produce/ engineer , Electric Desk Mastering aka Dilemmachine ,who has worked with multiple artists from Icona Pop to the brilliant Thought Beings, who contributed some excellent postproduction and mastered the track which really brought it to life.

Are you planning to make it part of a larger release, such as an EP or album?

Yes, the Fifth Step EP is a four track EP, the title track was released in May, and I was really pleased with the reception of that track which again is retro dance and synth pop-based tune. After Psychology I have another two tracks to come which will probably be released together in August to complete the EP. Im still working on these tracks, working titles are Chaos Theory and Drifting.

As I mentioned above the EP is sci fi concept-based set in 2033 in a dystopian future that’s unfortunately all too possible, a world mired in constant pandemics and lockdowns with “mind trip” organizations providing virtual reality escapes from that world . Its high risk but a desperate society is taking the chance on these mind trips with scores of people suffering “mild melts “ as a result. The EP tracks follow the journey of a one man ( Max Rogue) and h1s mind trip journey with the largest of these organizations – the corrupt Mind Corporation their slogan / tagline being “Take the Fifth Step”. I am intending on adding short clips and narratives between the tracks on the EP to bring the listener into that virtual reality world.

I’m very interested in how you started your adventure with music, and did you know from the beginning that this is what you wanted to do?

I have always loved music and from a teenager started creating music and from a young age had dreams of making music my career, I had several releases in the 1990s and then life interfered ( in a good way!) and I  took a very long break until last year when I decided it was high time to get start making music again which I am really enjoying although the industry has changed so much since  the 90s

Your music interweaves so many different styles and sounds. If you could collaborate with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?

I’ve already collaborated this year with DR Chrispy, an Astronaut/ Rocket Scientist from the USA and a Canadian Cyber Punk band called Toxic Drive which were enjoyable experiences , I believe collaborations always add an extra dimension to the sound, for example I have another collaboration, a track called Two Hearts due for release on 7th July with the UK synthwave producer Fonz Tramontano which is a different sound to my solo work and has an John Hughes 80s movie soundtrack vibe– so very much looking forward to that release. As for future collaborations, I am always open to them, I have another couple of potential collabs later in the year so hopefully can share more about those in due course.

 In terms of dream collaborations for me it would be something like a remix of one of my tracks by one of my musical hero of the 80s, be that Tom Baily from the Thompson Twins, Ricky Wilde ( Kim’s brother and songwriter / producer), Rusty Egan  from the Blitz kids 80s / Visage London, Martin Ware Heaven 17 etc. – all guys that make music still today that heavily influenced my love of synth pop and electro. Other than that, I wouldn’t say no to a duet with the leading ladies of the New York synthwave scene – BunnyX

What’s been your favorite musical experience to date? 

In my first time around, it was my debut single with my band Bass Value which was a top 10 national dance chart hit in the UK.

This time around I am enjoying the process of making the music I like to make and very much being part of the global synthwave and retrowave scene – the quality of the artis and the music in that scene is incredible and the supporting DJs, Radio shows etc. really play a big part in the great buzz around that scene.

Where are you based? Can you tell us how the music scene there has inspired your sound at all?

I am based in the Northeast of England and there are a few synthwave and synthpop artists in the area, but my sound is very much a retrowave sound based on New York Electro, UK, and European synth pop and Californian snyth waves, so more an international influence than a local one.

If you could perform at any venue in the world, where would it be and why?

Having just watched Glastonbury at the weekend I have to say Glasto – an incredible festival where anything goes!

And what was the first album you remember owning?

I am showing my age now but it was Kings of the Wild Frontier by Adam and the Ants which I saved up my pocket money to pay age 9 years old.

Finally, have you got anything to share regarding upcoming gigs, and what have you got planned for 2023?

No gigs planned very much a studio concern currently, though I wouldn’t rule out gigs in the future if I can find a way to do it. Studio wise I have the EP later in the summer , maybe some alternative remixes from other artists of the EP tracks and further collaborations and singles planned in the autumn, possibly a second EP as a follow up to the Fifth Step EP. I do have hopes of a physical release at some point also, hoping this can happen in the next 6 to 12 months.


  • Catherine B.

    When I’m not attending gigs or writing about sounds that I love, you can find me making art and fawning over nature.

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