Hi! You recently released ‘Reveries In Grey’ and it’s brilliant. For anyone who’s yet to hear it, how would you describe the track?

Hello, thank you! I would describe the track as an introspective acoustic journey – Just stop what you’re doing, close your eyes and get lost in the 7 minute journey. Personally the ending of this track is what I feel has the most impact, so I’d probably suggest anyone listening to definitely get through the whole journey, it’s worth it.

Where did you record it?

I recorded the track in my bedroom; ha! Yes I don’t have a studio yet, but I must reveal I’m working on it and almost everything is set up and I’ll be moving there. There’s something about this room I’ll miss once I move there as the whole journey started here, it was all about just waking up and moving towards the laptop to start mixing! It has its pros and cons.

Are you planning to make it part of a larger release, such as an EP or album?

Yes! Definitely, it’s going to be part of my new album which will be releasing sometime next year hopefully. “Fragments Of Serenity” was the first full-length album I released in January this year (2022), but this new album is turning out to be more progressive and rhythmic than before, let’s see how that goes.

I’m very interested in how you started your adventure with music, and did you know from the beginning that this is what you wanted to do?

Music for me has always been the go-to since childhood, I enjoyed listening to it and it made me feel very disconnected from reality (which isn’t bad sometimes). I got a present from my Dad unexpectedly and guess what? It was an electric guitar – This is when I didn’t know anything about guitars, I was just a child who loved music. That’s when my musical journey started, I started to go for classes, slowly started learning from Youtube and eventually started composing. I definitely didn’t know this is what I wanted to do, as every Engineering student out there, I believed my path was to just study, work from 9-5 and then if I got time; work on my passion and that was music, but things changed during Covid where I got more time to learn mixing and production which eventually led to releasing my music. Music has been the best adventure I’ve been on, from releasing my own music to starting a business in music (Sinusoidal Music). It’s my life and I’m glad I went on this adventure.

Your music interweaves so many different styles and sounds. If you could collaborate with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?

It’s a hard question to nail on one particular band/person to collaborate in the world. I’ve done some great collaborations with Thurnin, Beautiful Death, Warg, but I’d like to eventually collaborate with a lot of people in the neofolk scene whom I was inspired by! But on a long-term big goal, I would probably love to collaborate with Opeth or Mikael for that matter (Well who knows? Let’s see)

What’s been your favorite musical experience to date? 

I wouldn’t say there’s a favorite musical experience as such because every experience is different and amazing on its own. In terms of attending gigs or watching bands, I’d say ArcTangent in Bristol was one of the best festivals I’ve been to in terms of metal, post-rock etc, it is an experience I’ll never forget! I loved every moment of it. Coming to musical experiences in terms of composing, recording, I think I get more anxious when it comes to recording while I enjoy more of the composing aspect, but I must say the best feeling is when it’s all coming together and I’m just left with adding strings/atmosphere and mastering – That’s the best part of the experience for me.

Where are you based? Can you tell us how the music scene there has inspired your sound at all?

I’m based in Bangalore, India. The current project and albums I’ve released are inspired by nature in general, nothing particularly from a specific place. I might have some melodic influences from some regional tracks I’ve heard in Hindi or Kannada or Telugu for that matter, there are some great tracks with amazing acoustic elements in them, I’m sure they’re present somewhere in my compositions. But in general, my main inspirations are to portray human emotions in terms of music using nature as a metaphor.

If you could perform at any venue in the world, where would it be and why?

This is a very hard question to be honest, as I’ve never really thought about it. I’d say I would love to perform in the ArcTangent festival as I did see some great post-rock bands performing, but bigger stages or venues than that, I’m not really sure about this genre.

And what was the first album you remember owning?

I think the first album I really really got into and bought was “Nightmare” by Avenged Sevenfold, though I got into more classics later, but this album and the band was the turning point for me into metal and in general everything I love now. 

Finally, have you got anything to share regarding upcoming gigs, and what have you got planned over the rest of 2022?

In terms of gigs, nothing really! I have planned on doing some live streams soon! And regarding compositions, I have some great collaborations which may be released this year, other than that nothing else. It has been a great year for me in terms of music, my album got great reach thanks to some amazing channels in Youtube like In The Woods, Worldhaspostrock and WherePostRockDwells. I sold out my limited edition of ‘Fragments Of Serenity” and it was a great feeling to even reach that stage, I didn’t expect that at all! So yeah, hoping for a great 2023.


  • Jessica Lloyd

    Freelance journalist based in New York. She loves her heated blanket and pasta.

    finance.aportaltothenordics@gmail.com Lloyd Jessica
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