Hi! For those that haven’t heard of you yet, how would you best describe your sound, and who have been your biggest influences so far?

Sometimes it’s easier to ask other people to describe your music than yourself but I would say I make modern soul music. My music is informed by a love of classic songwriting. John Mayer, Shuggie Otis, Sly Stone, and Mac Demarco would all be influences. I’m open to whatever genre-wise as long as the song rings true!

Do you remember what the first song was that made you want to start a career in music?

I’d have to say D’angelo’s “Send it On.” That song hits me right in the heart and his album “Voodoo” is what made me want to make music rather than just play it.

You have just released your new single ‘Not An Apology’. Can you tell us how that track came about?

I free-associated it one day as I was doing a bit of recording. When I made my album I was working a lot on just improvising in the moment and not worrying about the outcome. That day it turned out that I had a lot of feelings left over from a relationship that had ended 6 months prior. “Not An Apology” helped me get all of that energy out. I realized that you don’t always know what emotions you’re carrying until you give yourself the chance to let it all out.

And how would you say it compares to your previous releases?

I’d say it’s a bit different in that the track helped me discover a new style as a singer. The lead vocal has this sort of breathy, telephone-like quality to it which was an exciting discovery at the time. The lyrics were new territory for me as well because I’d never discussed my bitterness over a breakup before. I think the lyrics have a level of detail and a very personal quality which defines a lot of the songs off of my upcoming album.

What is the biggest challenge of being an artist?

Balancing all of the different skill sets required to succeed. I’m a producer, engineer, singer, performer, instrumentalist, manager, booking agent… etc. It’s crazy being in the early stages of a music career. You’re wearing so many different hats that the hats all fall off of your head over and over again. And when you finally get them to all sit upon each other nicely you’re still wearing 35 lbs of hats on top of your head and you can’t see.

What’s the best advice you’ve been given as a musician?

When I interviewed at Blue Note Records, Don Was told me not to work in the music business because at my core I was a musician and an artist. He said I should pursue my passion rather than settling. That was the best advice I ever got.

What’s next for you? Is there more music or any live shows on the way?

I’m playing live all of the time in my home city Chicago. I’ve got a show coming up at the jazz club the Hungry Brain on Nov 3rd. Expect my first full album in November!


  • Jessica Lloyd

    Freelance journalist based in New York. She loves her heated blanket and pasta.

    finance.aportaltothenordics@gmail.com Lloyd Jessica
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