Katy Rae, whose song “Tragedy” we recently reviewed, is back with a new offering – a five-song EP titled For Worse. The EP kicks off with the title track, “For Worse,” featuring piano and vocals as its core elements. As the song unfolds, electronic percussion injects a burst of energy, creating an intriguing contrast between the melancholic vocals and piano and the more lively beats. 

“I Bet” begins with the strumming of an acoustic guitar, boasting a lo-fi quality that complements the emotional intensity of the track. The song maintains its initial energy level, with variations in dynamics driven by the power behind Rae’s singing and strumming. 

Following up is “Uriah,” which maintains a consistent low to mid-level melancholic mood. The song is marked by moments of reflection and contemplation, with a focus on soft strumming and subtle guitar arrangements. “Tragedy Instead” centers around sparse piano chords and vocals, evoking a deep sense of sadness and beauty simultaneously. Arguably the standout track on the EP, it captivates with its minimalistic approach. Closing out the collection is “Where Do I Go From Here,” another high point that continues the somber tone but also introduces moments of hope. 

The vocal performance on this track stands out as a notable highlight. In “For Worse,” Katy Rae keeps things simple and minimalistic, relying on strong songwriting to carry the EP. Sometimes, that’s all you need, and Rae’s talent shines through. With this promising release, it’s safe to say that we eagerly anticipate more from her in the future.


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