Hi! So that our readers can know a bit more about you, please introduce SHSH

We are SHvininiai SHarvai (or simply SHSH), a metal band from Vilnius, Lithuania. People usually remember us because of our crazy welder characters that we play on stage, as well as our unique sound, that blends thrash metal riffs with sax melodies and other music genres.

Congrats on the release of ‘The Great Paradise of Tomorrow’, the album sounds great. What was the inspiration behind it?

The whole album is a warning and a sonic experience of the dangers of totalitarian dystopias – the inspiration for it came mainly during the pandemic, when governments all across the world strengthened their grip on populations. We wanted to go more in-depth on the topics of control, surveillance, corruption, erasure of privacy, liberty, freedom of speech and individuality.

What’s your favorite track on the album and why?

It’s definitely difficult to pick just one because all of them make up a larger idea together. “My Way” is a very important one to us – it reflects our outlook on life and is a good represantation of our musical attitude too.

Where did you record it?

We recorded the album in a studio in Ukmerge, which is a smaller town in Lithuania. Pavel Daniels was the engineer behind all stages of sound for our latest work, so a shoutout to him! Wonderful guy who knows his stuff really well.

Your music interweaves so many different styles and sounds. If you could collaborate with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?

Probably Mr. Bungle – we love the way they don’t stick to a single sound or genre and always put the creative idea first. They do it in a tasteful and playful way, which is what makes the whole thing work.

What’s been your favorite musical experience to date? 

Playing a double setlist in a wedding during intense rain. The whole thing was crazy, unexpected and that’s what made it special. Not many people can say they had a bunch of welders play metal tunes for their wedding!

Where are you based? Can you tell us how the music scene there has inspired your sound at all?

We are from Vilnius, Lithuania. The metal scene is not that big here but we’ve had some interesting projects pop up now and then. It’s difficult to pinpoint a single artist that influenced us. We take inspiration from many artists, both local and foreign. And not only musicians but all sorts of creators.

Can you write what was the best performance in your career? How do you remember it?

Probably our new album presentation concert in Vilnius. The whole thing felt incredible and the people were crazy – the atmosphere was great. We had three other awesome bands (Terror Activator, Magyla and Bitter Roots) join in on the event. The preparation for it was intense, yet everything went by very quickly, so it’s a bit of a blur. But we definitely felt euphoric after the whole thing.

Finally, have you got anything to share regarding upcoming gigs, and what have you got planned for the rest of 2023?

We have a few exciting local and international gigs coming up in the next few months. Follow our socials for more information soon!


  • Jenny Clancy

    Freelance Journalist, a cat lover who enjoys a good tune on in the background.

    aportaltothenordics@gmail.com Clancy Jenny
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